The Pine Ridge Public Library was housed in the Jot ‘Em Down Store. The library story line is one of my favorites. Here are a few episodes you can listen to online:
- November 10, 1941. Lum Plans a Free Lending Library
- November 11, 1941. Organizing the Pine Ridge Library
- December 01, 1941. The Story of Pinky Winky
- December 02, 1941. Research in the Library
- April 29, 1953. Cedric Tries to Get a Library Card
Library Catalog
The following is a list of books mentioned throughout the series. I’ve linked to sites where you can download the books in the public domain. Presumably a few aren’t actual books, but just made-up titles.
Disclosure: This page includes affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission on your Amazon purchase.
- Adventures in Good Eating by Duncan Hines
- Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp
- Alias Jimmy Valentine
- Andy Grant’s Pluck
- Applied Anatomy
- Arrowsmith
- The Art of Conversation
- The Art of Self Defense
- Ballroom Dancing Self Taught
- Black Beauty
- Book of Children’s Stories
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Oscar the Ostrich
- Peter Rabbit
- The Three Bears
- Book of Manners and Etiquette
- Brave and Bold
- Bulldog Drummond
- The Care and Feeding of Hogs
- Dave Dashaway’s Academy Days
- Diana of the Crossways
- Do and Dare
- Elementary General Science
- Elsie Blucher’s Good Etiquette for Town and Country
- Elsie Dinsmore Makes the Grade (While there is a series of Elsie Dinsmore books, there doesn’t seem to be one by that title.)
- Essentials of Electrical Engineering
- Fall & Decline of the Roman Empire
- Football Rule Book 1945
- Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- Gilbert the Boy Trapper
- Good Grammar
- How to Entertain Properly
- How to Give Entertainin’ Parties
- Junior Boys’ and Girls’ Handy Fortune-Telling and Parlor Stunt Manual for Every Occasion
- The Junior Mystic Fortune-Telling Guide
- Last of the Mohicans
- Little Lord Fauntleroy
- Lorna Doone
- Love Twixt Golden Strands
- Magic Salesmanship
- Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
- Musical Instruments Self-Taught
- Penthouse Romance
- Pinky Winky
- The Poison Arrow
- The Romance of Evelyn Ermentrude
- Secrets of a Famous Chef
- Snorter the Pig
- Tarzan of the Apes
- The Thief of Bagdad
- Through the Jungle with Sir Alexis Littleton
- Tom Brown’s School Days
- World Almanac 1909
- World Almanac 1937
Reference books:
- dentist book
- dictionary
- doctor book
- encyclopedia
- law books
Uncle Henry’s reference book on how to run the jail:
- Psychological Aspects of Prison Practices
Titles recommended by Professor Sloane:
- Chromatic Aberration of the Asteroids
- Nocturnal Mammals Every Child Should Know
- The Romance of Planetary Nebulae
- The Poetry of William Wordsworth
Brought in by Grandpap:
- Dr. Gufflin’s Encyclopedia of Social, Commercial, and General Information: A Practical and Educational Compendium Suited to the Needs of Everyday Life and Designed to Widen the Vistas of the Average Person, Revised Edition, New York City, Copyright 1908