Category: Pine Ridge

stack of books
Posted in Pine Ridge

Pine Ridge Public Library

The Pine Ridge Public Library was housed in the Jot ‘Em Down Store. The following is a list of books mentioned throughout the series. I’ve linked to sites where you can download the books in the public domain.

Posted in Pine Ridge

Cloverleaf Township School

The school plays an important role in the community. Lum is usually president of the school board and is generally in love with the female teachers. Cedric returns year after year, at least for a few weeks, to attempt to make progress through the Third Reader.

Posted in Pine Ridge

Midwest Economy Travel Agency

We recommend Trip 16-B. Travel clear to Cherry Hill and back for only $6.95. We leave picturesque Pine Ridge at 6:30 a.m. and spin down the beautiful highway…

Posted in Friends Pine Ridge

Dick’s Store

“Dick’s Store is more than just a store; it is the hub of all activity in the community, a gathering place for those tired souls who can find a few spare moments from their daily routine to hear the news of the outside world.”

Posted in Pine Ridge

Pine Ridge Post Office

The Pine Ridge Post Office was housed in the back corner of Dick Huddleston’s Store. This old time post office was in operation until very recently. The post office still has Postal Guide Books dating back to the 1920s.

Jot 'Em Down Store
Posted in Pine Ridge

Jot ‘Em Down Store

A list of items that the Jot ‘Em Down Store sells. These are just a few of the items heard mentioned in various episodes of Lum & Abner.

Pine Ridge
Posted in Pine Ridge


A listing of the businesses and other public places in Pine Ridge as described by Lum and Abner.

Posted in Characters Pine Ridge

Pine Ridge Census

According to one episode of Lum & Abner, there were 607 families in Pine Ridge. These are names I’ve heard mentioned in various episodes.