Store Inventory
A list of items that the Jot ‘Em Down Store sells. These are just a few of the items heard mentioned in various episodes of Lum & Abner.
The storyline in April 1953 is about the 40th anniversary celebration of the store, in which the old fellers mention that the Jot ‘Em Down Store opened in 1913.
Canned Goods
- apple juice
- apricots (whole, peeled)
- apricots (unpeeled)
- asparagus
- beets, pickled
- black-eyed peas
- brussels sprouts
- cherries
- clam chowder
- condensed milk
- corn, cream style
- corned beef
- crab meat (30 cents)
- dog food
- dried beef
- grape juice
- hominy
- jelly
- kidney beans
- lima beans
- mushroom buttons
- navy beans
- noodle soup
- olives, green
- olives, jumbo ripe
- peaches (40 cents a can)
- pears
- pickled pigs’ feet
- pineapple juice
- pineapple
- plums (15 cents a can, or “special price” of 2 cans for 32 cents)
- pork ‘n’ beans (10 cents a can)
- salmon, red sockeye (65 cents a 9-oz. can)
- sardines
- sauerkraut
- spaghetti with meatballs
- spinach
- string beans
- sweet pertaters
- tomaters
Fresh Produce
- apples
- avocadoes
- bananers
- cabbage
- carrots
- cranberries
- crooked neck squash
- grapefruit
- horseradish
- lemons (380 to the case)
- lettuce
- oranges (176 to the case, used to be 225 to the case)
- pertaters
- pumpkins
- sweet pertaters
- tomaters
- watermelon
Other Groceries
- apricots, dried (23-cent size, 37-cent size)
- bacon
- bakin’ powder
- bakin’ soda
- banana flavoring
- beans, dried
- bread (10 cents a loaf)
- breakfast food (aka cereal)
- brown sugar
- butter
- cheese
- cocoa
- coconut, shredded
- coffee
- cookies
- corn meal
- crackers (in the barrel or by the box)
- dog biscuits
- eggs
- Fig Newtons
- flavoring
- lemon
- imitation maple
- vanilla extract
- flour ($1.15 for a 48-pound sack, also available in a 24-pound sack)
- gingersnaps
- graham crackers
- ham, peanut cured, from Georgia
- ketchup
- lard (by the bucket)
- macaroni
- molasses
- oleo margarine
- oyster crackers
- peaches, dried
- peanut butter (medium jumbo size, 29 cents)
- chunk style (Cedric’s favorite)
- plain style
- peas, dried
- pepper
- pepper sauce
- Pepsi-Cola
- pickles (in the barrel)
- prunes
- rice (5 cents a pound or 6 pounds for a quarter)
- salt
- sausage
- shortnin’ (Gold Leaf)
- sorghum (by the gallon bucket)
- spaghetti
- sugar (18 pounds for a dollar)
- syrup
- vinegar
- yeast
Dry Goods
- bolt goods
- cheesecloth
- gingham
- spotted color
- percale
- plaid
- silk
- outin’ flannel
- calicos
- yeller polky dot
- green polky dot
- orange tulip print
- dress patterns
- elastic
- galluses
- gingham dresses
- girdles
- gloves
- hair ribbons
- red and yeller plaid
- Mary Jane bow
- handbags, beaded — with “Come to Memphis” in red and green beads on the back side (ordered by Abner’s papa)
- handkerchiefs
- lace doilies
- lady’s hats
- with ostrich feather (special price, $1.00)
- with flowers
- men’s hats
- men’s slacks
- neckties
- red
- yeller
- black bowtie
- needles
- nylons
- overalls
- pillows
- pin cushions
- rick-rack
- green
- red
- white
- yeller
- shirts
- shoes
- men’s work shoes ($2.98)
- tennis shoes
- stockin’s, cotton lisle
- plain or ribbed
- black or white
- sunbonnets
- thread
- black, darnin’ cotton
- black, #60
- white, #50
- woolen underwear (Stacy Brothers)
- men’s, long, red
Fer the Young’uns
- candy
- candy bars (5 cents each)
- candy cigarettes
- coconut bars (5 cents each)
- fudge
- gum drops (10 cents a pound)
- jawbreakers (5 cents a dozen)
- jelly beans
- licorice whips (2 for a penny)
- marshmallow bars
- mixed candy
- peanut brittle (15 cents a pound)
- peanut clusters
- peppermint sticks
- walnut bars
- chewin’ gum (5 cents a package)
- comic books
- dolls
- magazines
School Supplies and Stationery
- art gum (a kind of e-raser, none in stock, check over at Dick Huddleston’s store)
- chalk
- colored Crayolas
- erasers
- fountain pens
- ink (by the bottle)
- black
- red
- pencils (1 cent or 5 cents)
- writin’ tablets
- Indian chief on the cover
- movin’ pitcher stars on the cover
- postcards
- scenic views of Arkansas
- a Indian lookin’ for his horse and he’s settin’ on it all the time
- wrappin’ paper
Seasonal Items
- Christmas candy
- Christmas cards
- false beards and moustaches
- Halloween masks
- goat mask
- silver tinsel
- Valentine cards (1 cent, 5 cents, 20 cents)
Health & Beauty
- Alka-Seltzer
- baby oil
- cleansing tissues
- court plaster
- hair pins
- manicurin’ set ($4)
- pre-fume
- razor blades
- shavin’ mugs
- shoe polish
Tobacco Products
- cigars
- corn cob pipes (10 or 15 cents)
- pipe cleaners
- smokin’ tobacco (15 cents a can)
- snuff
Hardware & Household
- alarm clock
- ant poison
- axle grease
- bear traps
- brooms
- buggy harness
- can openers
- churns
- clothes pins
- coal oil
- cook stove (Family Pride, $56)
- electric iron
- foldin’ cot (Daisy Handy-Andy, can be put up in 30 seconds, so simple even a child can do it)
- flashlight batteries
- floor wax
- fly swatters
- fruit jars
- funnels
- gopher poison
- hammers
- hemp rope
- horse blankets
- horse collars
- horseshoe nails
- lamp wicks
- lanterns
- laundry starch
- lightnin’ rods
- matches (5 cents a box)
- mouse traps
- nails, ten-penny
- orange juicer (79 cents)
- paintbrushes
- pans
- paper plates
- paper towels
- plow points
- pocket knives
- rat traps
- salt and pepper shakers
- scrub boards
- soap (World’s Wonder)
- shot gun shells ($1.25 a box)
- shovels
- spot remover
- stick bluein’
- varnish
- #2 washtubs (reg’lar price, 50 cents; special price, 48 cents)
- water buckets
- water pitchers (green glass)
In the Feed Room
- bales of hay
- sacks of chop ($1.19 for 100 pound sack)
- sacks of bran
- sacks of flour
- seed pertaters