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From On the Air: The Encyclopedia of Old Time Radio by John Dunning:
- Sept. 29, 1941-Oct. 2, 1947, Blue Network/ABC. 15m, Mondays-Tuesdays-Thursdays-Fridays at 6:30, 1941-42, then Mondays through Thursday at 8:15, 1942-45; at 8, 1945-1947. Miles Laboratories and Alka Seltzer.
Dates with no listings are missing episodes.

January 1942
- 420101. Listen: Lum buys Mousey’s contract
- 420102. Listen: Mousey’s fight with Iron Ike
- 420105. Listen: Marketing Lucky Loaf Bread
- 420106. Listen: Lum turns over store and bakery to Abner
- 420108. Listen: Lum decides he wants store and bakery back
- 420109. Listen: Mousey loses his last fight with Iron Ike
- 420112. Listen: Abner is fooled into thinking Lum is destitute
- 420113. Listen: Lum starts selling Farm & Needlework Weekly
- 420115. Listen: Abner hires Mousey
- 420116. Listen: Lum fakes a nervous breakdown
- 420119. Listen: Lum unknowingly gains possession of ownership paper to store
- 420120. Listen: Squire persuades Lum to break into store
- 420122. Listen: Lum languishes in jail
- 420123. Listen: Lum must try himself in court
- 420126. Listen: Lum sets his own bail
- 420127. Listen: Cedric brings ownership paper to trial
- 420129. Listen: Judge drops the case against Lum
- 420130. Listen: Cedric and Mousey practice to become ventriloquists
February 1942
- 420202. Listen: Lum and Abner fill out their income tax form
- 420203. Listen: Cedric gets pinback buttons reading “Honesty Brings Everything”
- 420205. Listen: Diogenes Smith will pay $10,000 to the most honest man in town
- 420206. Listen: Squire finally pays his long-overdue grocery bill
- 420209. Listen: Who did Diogenes appoint as his deputies?
- 420210. Listen: Cedric may be a deputy
- 420212. Listen: Abner appointed to help Diogenes
- 420213. Listen: Diogenes chooses Lum to deliver pamphlets
- 420216. Listen: Abner is caught using Lum’s ideas for pamphlets
- 420217. Listen: How to set a clock to War Time
- 420219. Listen: Lum is promoted to circulation manager
- 420220. Listen: Diogenes sends Lum on a trip to Ft. Smith
- 420223. Listen: Lum and Abner install Victory Boxes
- 420224. Listen: Lum becomes an Air Raid Warden
- 420226. Listen: Mousey is airplane watcher
- 420227. Listen: Mousey reports strange happenings
March 1942
- 420302. Listen: Cedric’s car license plate is stolen
- 420303. Listen: License plate is mysteriously returned
- 420305. Listen: Conversation with detective
- 420306. Listen: Diogenes left both Lum and Cedric in charge
- 420309. Listen: Lum starts wearing Diogenes’ clothes
- 420310. Listen: Where is Cedric suddenly getting so much money?
- 420312. Listen: The lantern must be magical
- 420313. Listen: Cedric gets a half-interest in the store in exchange for his lantern
- 420316. Listen: Mr. Adams interrogates Cedric
- 420317. Listen: Diogenes’ press prints money
- 420319. Listen: Abner and Cedric decide to quit
- 420320. Listen: Lum discovers printing press
- 420323. Listen: Lum and Abner worry over going to jail
- 420324. Listen: Cedric escapes from jail
- 420326. Listen: Abner is arrested for harboring a criminal
- 420327. Listen: Detective Mousey Gray tries to find Lum and Cedric
- 420330. Listen: Lum returns, bringing back Diogenes Smith
- 420331. Listen: Diogenes says goodbye
April 1942
- 420402. Listen: How to spend the money
- 420403. Listen: Studio will hold premiere of movie in Pine Ridge
- 420406. Listen: Committees for premiere are appointed
- 420407. Listen: Lum practices speech for premiere
- 420409. Listen: Need projectionist
- 420410. Listen: Big premiere of The Bashful Bachelor
- Watch movie: The Bashful Bachelor
- 420413. Listen: Ulysses S. Quincy wins prize
- 420414. Listen: Ulysses wants the town to build a toll bridge
- 420416. Listen: Everyone in town has selfish ideas
- 420417. Listen: Mousey describes his plan for building Wonderful World Apartments
- 420420. Listen: Grandpap is ready to move into an apartment
- 420421. Listen: Mousey wants his mother to move into apartment with himself and Gussie
- 420423. Listen: Cedric can’t get an apartment
- 420424. Listen: Cedric is living in a tent on the store’s property
- 420427. Listen: Squire knows the perfect building contractor
- 420428. Listen: Gregory W.W. Dobbs will build apartments
- 420430. Listen: Mousey gets Cedric to remove tent
May 1942
- 420501. Listen: Gregory W.W. Dobbs arrives
- 420504. Listen: J.W. Tiffin knocks down apartment idea
- 420505. Listen: Lum tricks Squire out of check to W. W. Dobbs
- 420507. Listen: Carpooling
- 420508. Listen: Mousey will build old folks’ home
- 420511. Listen: Lum and Abner finally invest the $10,000
- 420512. Listen: Lum decides to start print shop with Diogenes’ press
- 420514. Listen: Jot ‘Em Down Store bills
- 420515. Listen: Abner has been sleeping on the job
- 420518. Listen: Oxford Overnight Writers’ Course
- 420519. Listen: More money in publishing
- 420521. Listen: The USO
- 420522. Listen: Are there jewels on Squire Skimp’s property?
- 420525. Listen: Property deal goes sour
- 420526. Listen: The Mysterious Disappearance of Evelyn Ermatrude
- 420528. Listen: Abner is frightened of phantom author
- 420529. Listen: The phantom author reveals his identity
June 1942
- 420601. Breakfast at Sardi’s episode. Listen: Lum and Abner interviewed by Tom Breneman
- 420602. Listen: Jot ‘Em Down Store full of owls
- 420604. Listen: Robert Blevins is killed overseas in active duty
- 420605. Listen: Cedric tries to get a date for Saturday night
- 420608. Listen: Greeting card business
- 420609. Listen: Mousey Gray helps write greeting card verses
- 420611. Listen: Lum tries to get a poetic license
- 420612. Listen: Mousey Gray counsels Cedric on how to win back Clarabelle
- 420615. Listen: Lum and Abner help Cedric write letter
- 420616. Listen: Cedric’s love life begins to look desperate
- 420618. Listen: Cedric wants to join the Marines
- 420619. Listen: Abner demonstrates how to boss your wife
- 420622. Listen: Lum will make peace between Abner and Elizabeth
- 420623. Listen: Lum starts a rumor in order to help Abner
- 420625. Listen: The rumor backfires
- 420626. Listen: Elizabeth and Pearl leave town
- 420629. Listen: Lum is to blame for all of Abner’s troubles
- 420630. Listen: The Masked Muskrat reports
July 1942
- 420702. Listen: Abner is desperate
- 420703. Listen: Strange lady leaves baby in store
- 420706. Listen: Mousey takes care of baby
- 420707. Listen: Lum and Abner decide to keep baby
- 420708. Listen: Lum dresses as a woman to keep baby happy
- 420709. Listen: Lum and Abner argue over name for baby
- 420713. Listen: The Black Pelican’s confession
- 420714. Listen: The Masked Muskrat makes a belated report
- 420715. Listen: Cedric reports seeing a ghost in Abner’s house
- 420716. Listen: The return of Elizabeth and Pearl
- 420720. Listen: Will Lum or Elizabeth get to keep the baby?
- 420721. Listen: Baby will draw name for himself
- 420722. Listen: A man from the OPA visits the store
- 420723. Listen: Lum and Abner find coat-of-arms on baby’s locket
- 420727. Listen: Grandpap saw coat-of-arms in newspaper
- 420728. Listen: Help from editor of Mena Star
- 420729. Listen: Cedric sends letter by carrier pigeon
- 420730. Listen: The fundamentals of babysitting
August 1942
- 420803. Listen: Lum and Abner think baby is a lost king
- 420804. Listen: Lum practices to take baby king’s place.
- 420805. Listen: Stranger to call about baby tomorrow night
- 420806. Listen: Mysterious phone call
- 420810. Listen: Trying foreign languages on baby
- 420811. Listen: Squire runs a genealogical trace on baby
- 420812. Listen: Squire’s info shows baby is heir to gold mine
- 420813. Listen: Lum and Abner discuss custody of gold mine
- 420817. Listen: Cedric elected president of gold mine
- 420818. Listen: Cedric hires Mousey to work in mine
- 420819. Listen: Squire’s handling of baby’s case begins to get expensive.
- 420820. Listen: Lum and Abner now owe Squire $1100
- 420824. Listen: Enter baby in movie contest to raise money
- 420825. Listen: Grandpap auctions off store fixtures
- 420826. Listen: Baby’s father shows up
- 420827. Listen: Lum thinks Squire isn’t on the level.
- 420831. Listen: Squire has been faking entire gold mine tale.
September 1942
- 420901. Listen: Everything settled
- 420902. Listen: Lum and Abner miss the baby
- 420903. Listen: The Handy Andy Folding Cot
- 420907. Listen: Midwest Economy Travel Agency
- 420908. Listen: A “back to nature” vacation.
- 420909. Listen: Mousey’s travel slides
- 420910. Listen: The horrors of Nazi Germany
- 420914. Listen: Annual election for president of school board
- 420915. Listen: Pine Ridge needs new school teacher
- 420916. Listen: Mousey wants to be new teacher
- 420917. Listen: School board will hire teacher named Sloane
- 420921. Listen: The penny weighing machine
- 420922. Listen: New teacher Marion Sloane
- 420923. Listen: Lum had a date with Professor Sloane
- 420924. Listen: V for Victory homes
- 420928. Listen: Professor Sloane isn’t doing things Lum’s way.
- 420929. Listen: Lum decides to match up Professor Sloane and Widder Abernathy
- 420930. Listen: Love letter from Widder to Sloane
October 1942
- 421001. Listen: No one can read the letter
- 421005. Listen: Sloane will name the new observatory after Lum
- 421006. Listen: Lum and Sloane will scout a location for the observatory
- 421007. Listen: Lum wants Abner to invest in the observatory
- 421008. Listen: Cedric decides to join the Army
- 421012. Listen: Cedric will pick up the telescope
- 421013. Listen: Why necessity is the mother of invention
- 421014. Listen: Cheering up Professor Sloane
- 421015. Listen: Lum serves as substitute teacher
- 421019. Listen: Buying observatory property
- 421020. Listen: Squire is up to his old tricks again
- 421021. Listen: Abner and Cedric try to move a heavy box
- 421022. Listen: Meteorologist supplies for observatory
- 421026. Listen: Abner hatches up idea for a rocket ship to Mars
- 421027. Listen: Mousey wants to go on flight to Mars
- 421028. Listen: How to build a rocket ship
- 421029. Listen: Squire wants to manage trip to Mars
November 1942
- 421102. Listen: Squire appoints himself treasurer for Mars Expedition
- 421103. Listen: Planning a landing on Mars
- 421104. Listen: Corporation meeting at Squire’s house
- 421105. Listen: Mousey enforces meat rationing
- 421109. Listen: Abner and Cedric varnish rocket ship.
- 421110. Listen: Squire wants to resign as treasurer
- 421111. Listen: Lum talks Squire out of resigning
- 421112. Listen: Rocket unveiling ceremony
- 421116. Listen: Getting rocket out of observatory
- 421117. Listen: Mars launch will be tomorrow
- 421118. Listen: Blast goes off prematurely
- 421119. Listen: Why Squire was arrested
- 421123. Listen: Top 10 Chumps of 1942
- 421124. Listen: Magazine article about rocket project
- 421125. Listen: Lum needs photos for magazine article
- 421126. Listen: Lum deposits article money
- 421130. Listen: Mousey Gray is drafted
December 1942
- 421201. Listen: Preparing Mousey for his physical
- 421202. Listen: Lum and Abner plan a surprise going-away party for Mousey
- 421203. Listen: Mousey’s going away party
- 421207. Listen: Lum decides to start weekly Golden Era Discussion Club
- 421208. Listen: Golden Era Discussion Club meeting #1 at Abner’s house. Topic: Beethoven.
- 421209. Listen: Is Cedric engaged?
- 421210. Listen: Cedric is worried about his impending marriage
- 421214. Listen: Grandpap can’t decide on refreshments
- 421215. Listen: Golden Era Discussion Club meeting #2 at Grandpap’s House. Topic: Wordsworth
- 421216. Listen: Cedric to Be Married Tomorrow
- 421217. Listen: Cedric kidnapped during his own wedding
- 421221. Listen: Cedric returns, but is still engaged to Winifred Redfield.
- 421222. Listen: Golden Era Discussion Club meeting #3 at Lum’s house. Topic: Spinoza
- 421223. Listen: Winifred sues Cedric for breach of promise
- 421224. Listen: Annual Christmas story
- 421228. Listen: Cedric’s trial begins under difficulties
- 421229. Listen: Golden Era Discussion Club meeting #4 at Abner’s house. Topic: Mona Lisa
- 421230. Listen: Hearing Charlie Redfield’s testimony
- 421231. Listen: Mousey comes home on furlough and makes a patriotic speech at trial.