Category: Wit and Wisdom

Posted in Wit and Wisdom

Pine Ridge News: November 1933

Posted in Wit and Wisdom

Pine Ridge News: Spring 1936

Pine Ridge “newspaper” from Spring 1936.

Posted in Wit and Wisdom

Adventures in Good Eating

Adventures in Good Eating. A Duncan Hines Book. Good Eating Places Along the Highways of America.

Posted in Wit and Wisdom

Radio Station VPR

The radio station storyline actually ran two different times, with slight variations. The first one began on April 7, 1947. Lum and Abner recycled the plot beginning on February 17, 1953.

Posted in Wit and Wisdom

Crossword Puzzles

This episode of Cedric and Abner working a crossword puzzle tickles me. I decided to try to recreate the crossword puzzle they are working but discovered that it’s harder than one might think.

Posted in Wit and Wisdom

Ol’ Ed’ards Sayin’ses

Lum fancied himself a philosopher and was able to come up with an ol’ Ed’ards sayin’ appropriate for just about any circumstance.

Lum and Abner and Their Friends from Pine Ridge
Posted in Friends Wit and Wisdom

Friends from Pine Ridge

This little booklet was published in about 1932, early in the series, before the characters were fully developed.

Pine Ridge post office
Posted in Wit and Wisdom

Fan Fiction

Years ago I was part of a Yahoo group of Lum and Abner fans. Several of us tried our hands at a writing a series of “fan fiction” episodes based on the premise that the old fellows had just got their first computer. I wrote Episode 5, in which Grandpap reads his email–out loud, of course–the way he always read the Almanac.

Posted in Wit and Wisdom

The Almanac

“Accordin’ to the almanac” tidbits as shared by Grandpappy Spears.